
RWBY FAIRY TALES OF REMNANT – an universe extended on tales!

The readers of Podcaverna probably noticed that the RWBY related content has been increasing. It’s not coincidence, Rooster Teeth has been releasing a bunch of books, mangas and extra material of the show and you can check it out the posts about here on the blog!

RWBY Fairy Tales of Remnant is a compilation of tales that are present in the series and bring more insight into the world of Remnant, its characters, gods and creatures. It’s a book for the people how follow the show and also or the ones who don’t know it at all. You can embark on this journey from here because there are no spoilers of any kind, or anything that can spoil your experience in the future. Quite the opposite!

Amazing cover by Violet Tobacco!

This book has an amazing artistic direction, made by Violet Tobbaco who has already worked with the universe of Harry Potter and its different books; with Scholastic, Mac Millan, Universal Studios etc. The pages are decorated with many different drawings, all of which were really well done and illustrate the story that’s being told by the great writer Eugene Myers, who is also known as E.C Myers. The writer has won awards with his work Fair Coin and writes other books for the RWBY series, like After the Fall and Before the Dawn. You can check Myers’ work here: https://ecmyers.net ; and Tobbaco’s work here: http://www.violettobacco.com/work#/illustrations/

In Fairy Tales of Remnant, you don’t only find out about the tales that appear on the show, but also other ones which are not mentioned there at all. All the stories have a fantastic storytelling and by the end of each one, you find notes written by the character who wrote the book (Professor Ozpin), according to the universe of RWBY. The moral that lies behind each tale is very much connected to the ones passed on the show, approaching many different topics like racism, feminism, religion etc. Rooster Teeth has always been very careful and diverse with how they include these social topics into their work and here it could not be different.

I strongly recommend this work for the readers and curious who like tales and short stories that are amazingly well written, followed by great pay-offs and a very interesting and reflexive moral!

It’s worth remembering that this book is for everybody. So, don’t forget to have a taste of this immersion even if you don’t know the other works of RWBY. This compilation of stories works pretty well as a random fairy tale book and can make you cry and get excited by its beautiful narratives! Join us in this magical universe of Remnant, I guarantee you won’t regret it!

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Eloisio Michalski Abreu

Músico e baixista da banda Scream Weaver. Quando não está no palco ou em estúdio, se mistura aos mortais com sua identidade secreta de professor de Inglês e Geografia. Leitor assíduo, é apaixonado por J.R.R Tolkien, Edgar Allan Poe, Neil Peart, Richard Bach, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stephen Hawking, H.P Lovecraft, J.K Rowling, Neil Gailman, Charles Baudelaire e pelos mangakas Mokona, Nanase Ohkawa, Kamome Shirahama, Kentaro Miura, Hiromu Arakawa, Daisuke Igarashi, One e Kaiu Shirai, fora outros que vc vai conhecer nos posts deste blog. Seu lado gamer não vive sem Final Fantasy e Dark Souls, muito inspirado pelos compositores das trilhas e roteiristas das histórias desses games. Se alimenta diariamente de Black Sabbath e do Rush, suas duas bandas favoritas, sem deixar de degustar altas doses de Iron Maiden, Ghost, Slipknot, Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Him entre outras bandas.

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